Internship Abroad

Target Audience: University/High School Students

Program duration: 3 weeks (hybrid program)

Method: 2 weeks abroad - 1 week Türkiye (online)

Target Number of Companies/Institutions: 5 (2-3 students doing an internship in each company/institution.)

Example companies/Institutions: Faradai, Ignitech, CDL Oxford, Connected Places Catapult.

Purpose of the Program: To teach young people the tools they will need in the very early stages of entrepreneurship, to encourage them, and to introduce them to people and institutions that they can get support from.

Target Audience: University/High School Students

Program Duration: 15 days


· Students can apply to the project with a technology-based idea or participate in the project of the other participant who comes up with the project idea.

· Students receive training to develop their ideas during the 2-week camp and conduct potential customer interviews to mature their ideas.

· At the end of the project, all project groups gain experience by presenting their ideas to a jury.

· At the end of the project, a prize is given to the top 3 teams.


Target Audience: University/High School Students

Target Country: Global

Program Duration: 2-3 Months

Professional visits are carried out in order to enable students to observe companies in different fields abroad and to obtain information about the sectors and occupational groups in which those companies work.



During the workplaces visits, company employees show the students the equipment and technology they use daily and talk about the basic skills and knowledge they use while performing their duties.

Target Audience: High school students

Program Duration: 10 Days

Example Companies/Institutions: Facebook, Google, Linkedin